12730669_sSpring can be a very wet month. The heavy rains that typically fall during this time of year are great for helping the flowers grow and the grass stay green. However, getting around in the rain can be a real hassle. Running errands is irritating enough, but running errands in a torrential downpour is the worst! Not to mention that when you get home you could be tracking leaves, mud, water, and dirt into your home and onto your carpet.

If you live in a rental home, staining the carpet means paying a fine, which could be very expensive. Here are some ways to keep the carpet in your home protected from stains:

Use area rugs. Area rugs can not only add character and color to a room but, they can also protect the carpet under them. When you come into the house with dirty feet and walk on the area rug, the carpet underneath stays clean and protected. Area rugs are also portable and can be moved around to change up the decorating. Cleaning an area rug is much easier than trying to clean the stain out of carpet. Also, when the carpet gets stained you have to worry about the pad and flooring underneath the carpet.

Take off your shoes. Set up a spot in the entry way of your home where you can remove your shoes. This way you are leaving the dirt and stain causing particles at the door rather than tracking them around the carpet. This is also a good practice if you have small children who are crawling or playing on the carpet as the germs and allergens tracked in on your shoes could cause illness.

Use a stain protectant. There are some over the counter stain guards that you can use on carpet to prevent stains from setting in. These products are relatively inexpensive and in the long run can be a good investment to avoid paying a cleaning fee for stained carpet.

Whether you are a renter or a landlord, keeping the carpet in your home clean and stain-free is a priority. These simple tips will help to limit the exposure that your carpet has to stain causing materials, especially during the wet spring season.