Home warranties

home warranty valuable assetHome warranties are a definite must for people who are planning to buy a home or sell one. There are countless of benefits that can be derived from having a home warranty which benefits both homeowners and sellers.

Benefits for Homeowners and Buyers

A home warranty will help you save a lot of money when it comes to repairs and replacements needed for your home. Damages are not so easily seen or spotted at the moment you buy the house, and may only manifest themselves after months of living there. Without a home warranty, you will end up having to pay for the repairs and replacements from your own pockets, which only means additional expenses for you. Alternatively, a home warranty will force the seller or developer to pay for these repairs thus saving you from the headache and expense. Most home warranties also covers the appliances that came along with the house that you just bought, making the repair and replacement of these the builders’ responsibility.

Benefits for Sellers

Sellers also have a lot of benefits to enjoy if they have a home warranty. For one, a home warranty covers the cost for repairing any damage incurred by the house while it is still on listing or for sale, thereby reducing the need for the seller to spend money on a house that haven’t made them any money yet. Also, houses with home warranties are known to sell faster and at a more desirable price. This is because many people who are looking to buy a house will usually look for one, and is most likely to buy a home with a home warranty compared to one without. Furthermore, after the sale has been made, the seller transfers the home warranty to the new owner, and so the seller is free from any responsibilities when problems occur after the sale since any problems with the house is now between the new owner and the insurance provider.

Whether you are a buyer or a seller, it is always a good idea for you to get a home warranty. It does not only protect your pocket from additional expenses, but also gives you peace of mind knowing that when problems with the house arise, the home warranty has got your back.